Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Learning something new would have to have some kind of motivation because I feel like that's all I do anyways every day. I am a college student. I would really like to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I've always loved them and my family really has a thing for Harley's, although my mom went more the sports bike route when she bought her Katana. They look like so much fun and a lot of times, get the best parking spots. I plan to learn how to ride this summer but we will see. I know there is a motorcycle safety class but  I have literally no idea even how to shift that thing. I do understand the clutch is where the brake on a bicycle is though. It's a start. Turns really make me nervous too. My boyfriend has quite a few moped and one day we went riding. The turns even freak me out on there. How sad. I'll get used to it though. Before I die I really want to be in some kind of bike group. I've witnessed quite a few that I have liked because of their atmosphere, their different bikes, and the fact that the one I'm specifically thinking of volunteers to support Pit Bulls . I think that's pretty awesome!

Monday, February 9, 2015


Fear is something that I am very familiar with, just anyone else. It seems like I’m afraid of a lot of things but I feel like they’re generally typical. I mean, it’s not like I’m running around trying to avoid purple hair or costumes. I costumes like the the Easter bunny and mascots are so silly to be afraid of. Why would you run from the Springfied Cardinal mascot? I don’t understand how it is so scary but I guess that’s just how it goes. I’m personally afraid of falling, someone cheating on me, spiders, snakes, hospital procedures, and death, and God. And for good reason... At least doesn't everyone feel that way?

Monday, February 2, 2015

I believe

I believe Pitbull’s are good dogs
I believe my body is going against me
I believe I lost all of my friends because we grew up
I believe people can be so annoying
I believe Strawberry Gatorade is the best

I believe you should never cheat on your significant other