Friday, May 1, 2015

Final Blog Post

  • Which in class writing was your favorite? Why?
  • . My favorite in class writing if I have to pick was when we made the story with the list of words. I did not like when we were told to just free write but making a story and getting together with other people was a nice change.
    • Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why?
  • . My least favorite was the free writing when we were just let loose with a one word topic for 10-20 minutes at a time. I feel like this was a waste therefore it did not motivate me.
    • Review all your writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three interesting observations or changes in your writing. Which are the most profound (obvious and important)? Why?
  • . I was more excited about the blog in the beginning of the semester. Then as the semester went on it seemed very repetitive with all of the free writes so I didn't get excited about my writing like I could have been
    • If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it be? Why?
  • . If I could change anything about my writing it would be that I did not type. I actually wrote the assignments. I do not like when everything is online and I would much rather have kept a portfolio of some kind. Computers annoy me and I like the physical aspect of writing out my work. 
    • What did you like best about this course?
  • . My favorite thing about this course is Ms. A. She's the best teacher I had this semester and I am glad because I am not really a morning person and she is usually in a good mood and even when she's not, she knows how to look at the up side and deal with things one at a time. 
    • What did you like least about this course?
  • . My least favorite thing about this course was not only that it is at 8 am but that everything is on the computer. As I mentioned, I like to write not type.
    • What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a do-over?
  • . If I could do something differently I would come to class more. It is very difficult for me to get up in the morning and I am not used to being in trouble for missing classes. When I was at University of Arkansas the classes were so big that attendance was not taken. That doesn't mean that I did bad in the class because like this one, the majority of everything was online. It is just something to get used to. I also found a way to be sure I can hear my alarm clock, thankfully. 
    • What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this semester?
  • . This semester I learned that I have really became a less joyful person. I don't get excited about too many things anymore and I think a lot more about the negatives than I used to. I find it in my writing or I find myself thinking that way while I'm sitting in this class so early in the morning surrounded by people who don't want to be here and then complain because they talk the entire time. Very frustrating but I used to be able to not worry about it. Now, it bothers me. 
    • What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course?
  • . Ms. A I think what you could do differently is assign more specific assignments and not so many free writes. Also, I think doing some assignments without them being on the computer would be nice too. Also to take of the reference guide from the book list because it can save people money.
  • You begin this course with an engagement and participation score of an A.  Attendance, participation in activities and group work help you to maintain this grade.  Evaluate yourself and assign yourself a grade for the in class portion of this course.  Don’t forget the reasoning behind your self assigned grade.
  • . I think I deserve a high C or low B. My reasoning is because even though I did miss quite a few classes, I did all the assignments that I knew about and if the assignments were all posted on blackboard when I did miss I would have gotten them don't too because I'm sure they were online (not trying to sound smart, cant find other wording). Everything else I think I did great in. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Pigeon

I was flying down the street when I see this man with a bagel sitting on the street bench. I land on the back of the bench to get a closer look. The man saw me eyeing his breakfast so he ripped a piece off and threw it on the ground. “Is he crazy?” I thought to myself. Why do people always think we like to eat off the ground? The only reason why I deal with it sometimes is because it’s not like I have thumbs. It made me so mad I flew right into the man’s face. He got up trying to shoo me away but I was determined to get the entire bagel since he wanted to be so rude. He shoves me and I stumble into a computer briefcase that the man had. It flips onto the ground and I’m stuck inside. There are so many blinking pretty buttons so I start to press them all. Next thing I knew I took off like a rocket down the street. It was the best feeling in the world, I’ve never flown that fast. I get the hang of flying this briefcase so I go up and down the street firing at people and exploding cars. All I wanted was a bagel. Next thing I know, I see the man standing in the middle of the road with the bagel held up. I stop and turn towards him and get a little closer. It looked like I was finally going to get my bagel so I put away my guns and came down to the ground. I opened the lid and peaked out to see if it was really true. He is slowly walking towards me and then I just get this bad feeling. Just as soon as I sense that he runs at me. I duck back into the mobile gun and he freezes. Again, he slows down and I start to believe he is going to give it to me. I open the lid again and next thing I know he throws the bagel up high in the air. I looked and as soon as I did he snatched me up. Next thing I know the donut falls back down on the biggest red button in the briefcase. I tried so hard to press it when I was in there but it was too big. Must be important. I turn around and see the Pentagon transform into a rocket. The man drops me, picks up the briefcase and takes off into the air after the rocket. So what do I do? I go after him! He has my bagel in his briefcase! I finally catch him and start pecking at him we almost got hit by a broken off piece of the rocket but thank goodness we didn't. I fly ahead a little and sit on top of his briefcase. He pops the lid open to flip me off and not only did I fall, but the bagel did too. I plunge down as fast as I can to catch up. We met at the ground and I started to chow down. I hear a huge explosion above me but I am way too engulfed in this delicious thing. I've never worked so hard in my life. I looked up to see the man landing on the sidewalk. He put his sunglasses on and just walked off. I looked across the street and saw people looking up and pointing. I look up and just as I do I see the damaged rocket coming right at me. It was too late. I was squished on the sidewalk right next to my bagel.

Car Trouble

Car trouble is one thing that I always deal with. Luckily it’s not to the point that I have to get a ride because my car won’t start. As of today I have rode around without the door panel on my passenger side for about a month and a half to two months. My window fell in my door so I have it wedged up with the wrapper to some ringworm medicine and a stack of rewards cards from various stores I show at. It drives my boyfriend crazy because he is always hot and can’t roll the window down, and it’s hard for anybody to shut the door because there’s no handle. This same thing happened to my driver side window and I ended up getting a hold of my ex’s mom who set me up with her husband to get it fixed for a pack of beer. I don’t think I can luck out again but I feel like I should just call them. My brakes also need to be changed. I have had my new brakes in my car for about 2 weeks now and my car is still squealing. I don’t know how to change my brakes but I might have to just get on you tube and figure it out. Another thing that is wrong with my car is that my mom hit It in the back on the driver side pulling out of the driveway. So I’m waiting on her to get that fixed. My tires need to be changed bad!. I am just tired of that car. It is too expensive. I would like to be done typing. I think this is just busy work … trying to keep going but it’s difficult. I keep yawning and my neighbor is telling me to stop or he will start yawning…oh, he just yawned. How funny!. I can’t wait for my phone to be fixed. I missed it! “Wrapping up thought”

- Something I wasn't aware of that I'm interested in -

The Galaxy S6 is already available at my wireless carrier and it can charge wirelessly.

10 Things I am Passionate about

  1. My relationship
  2.  My dogs
  3.  The people I love (friends and family)
  4.  My sleep
  5. Technology
  6.  Food
  7.  Money
  8. Car trouble
  9.  The feeling of being comfortable
  10. Pushing Myself

Blue Pit

So, another free write. Ok, well this is very true. I do believe that pit bulls are good dogs. When people make references like. “It’s not like a pit bull or something” It drives me insane. It’s the owners fault not the dogs. People who feel this way are so dumb. Pit bulls have been given the most crap and I think that’s why they are my favorite. Because I want to do whatever I can to help them out since people like to assume. Yes they are bad ass so yes that is why people choose to fight them. So the whole breed is just terrible? People are bad ass too. Humans can do pretty crazy things like use a hatchet to cut someones head off or rip someone’s eyeballs out. Does someone tell humnas they need to walk around outside with a muzzle on? Of course not. I had a blue pitbull for about 7 or 8 years named Blade and he was the best dog. He would cuddle and play. Every once in a while steal your sandwich but other than that he was awesome. My mom literally loved that dog so much that when he passed she got a tattoo drawn up of him and never got another pitbull since. Missouri is not a good place to have them is what she says which is somewhat truer because you have to get so many licences and follow so many regulations. But I sure wish she would change her mind. 

Monday, April 13, 2015


I do agree that the best thing to do is make stress work for you. Getting better at stress I think is the only thing we can do because stress is everywhere and there’s no way around it. You can stress yourself out even by just think about something excessively over and over again, so no, locking yourself in a room would not help. When people are a little stressed out about something a lot of times that is the push they need to keep going. I know that I don’t like to have to worry about something for a long time. I try to get things done that way I don’t have to worry about it. If I wasn’t a little stressed about maybe a test the next day or the assignment due the next day I probably wouldn’t want to stay up to finish it.  I talked a lot about stress in my psychology class. I really don’t like my psychology class but that is one thing that I took from it. Really, to be honest my psychology class stresses me out more than anything. My professor is terrible and makes the class the most boring possible. Sometimes I wish they never created PowerPoints. That way maybe he could do something different for once. Even using Prezi would be a step in the right direction. Or if someone could teach him how to look at us when he is lecturing for the full 50 minutes instead of staring at the back wall, which would be wonderful. Unfortunately I do stress out quite a bit. Between my boyfriend who loves to argue, my job with all the drunks,  my car that likes to always have at least 2 things wrong with it, and my financial situation, I’d say that I have enough on my plate. Let alone my main priority, the 15 hours that I’m enrolled in. The best thing I can do is make the stress work with me or else I would crawl in a corner and just sit.

What stresses you out?
This isn’t very hard, since I just wrote about it but I think the thing that stresses me out most is money. If I had money I could get my car fixed which would help out. I could pay off my debt from school. I could even buy my own place so I don’t have to worry about someone moving my stuff around or cleaning up after people. It would just be great. Not only that, but I could pay off my credit cards from Victoria Secret and Maurices as well as my medical bills. I am taking a step in the right direction though already. I finally found a job that I started on Sunday and with having a steady flow of income I should be able to catch up at some point. Don’t we hope.

 From the point-of view of what stresses this out.
Everyone wants me, Literally everyone no matter how much they say that I don’t matter and that I’m just a piece of paper, people still are even killed over me every day. Sometimes people don’t treat me the way I feel I should be treated though. Sliding me down the cracks of the strippers while they do the splits on stage. Putting me in their hot, sweaty bras all day not finding me until it’s time for bed. It’s really pretty rough but I’ve been around for a long, long time and I can’t see myself going anywhere. Even though people normally try to hold on to me pretty tight, sometimes I try to run away and go to someone who needs me more. I literally just jump out of back pockets and roll down the street until I see one. Then I not only make their day, but also help them get whatever it was that they were needing. It is a little hard being spread out all throughout the world. Being in the pocket of so many different people and hearing them talk about each other from both sides.

I was on the way to work today and stopped at Panera. I picked up a Cinnamon Crunch bagel which by the way are my very favorite. I sat down on the park bench and decided to eat my bagel and watch the sunrise. While I was sitting there I saw

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Rough Day

Favorite words story

I got home from school ready to pass out, it was 11pm.  When the security was looking over his surveillance cameras on campus he saw me still working at the table in the corner and kicked me out. At first I told him, “No, just a few more minutes!” But he was literally the rudest guard I have ever met so I just finished my paragraph once I got to my car, before I completely lost my train of thought. On my way home everybody was being such boobs. They get in the left lane and doddle down a road that’s 45mph. So inconsiderate. I pulled in my apartment complex and saw this silly guy doing cartwheels down the sidewalk. I yelled out my car “WHAT A DINGUS!” and kept driving down 3 more buildings until I pulled up to my apartment building. When I stepped out of my car I overheard the British couple three floors up. “Dear, could you pass me the bubbly!?” I overheard the gentleman say. “Alright honey!” she replied. I climbed up the 6 flights of stairs to get to my apartment. As soon as I started to hear my dogs bark. I said “Hi Tup!” so they knew it was me and would stop. That barking gets on my nerves, but I sure do appreciate it when it’s someone else at the door. I walked in the door and my boyfriend was on the phone with someone talking about some gobbledigoop, I don’t really know. When he got off the phone he asked me how my day was. I said, “Fine” and went to the bedroom to put all of my stuff down. I called my Papa to check and see how he was doing. The first time he didn’t answer but I can always count on him to call me back within a minute and a half. Sure enough, he called me right back, “Sorry squirt, I was in the middle of sharpening my knife.” he said. I just talked to him about how he was feeling. Unfortunately he said he was uber tired all the time. He kept finding himself just lolligaging around but not actually doing anything. I know this is hard for him because he was always just going from one thing to another all the time. I love to go over there and just do, um, nothing really just visit. He lives next door to an emergency room doctor. One time, I went over there to get donations for a fundraiser for my volleyball team. She told me about a story where this man got hit in the throat with a chainsaw. She said you could see his uvula which I thought was so gross! I went to the living room and my boyfriend had made pork chops with mashed potatoes and pea and macaroni and cheese. “Are you forreal!?” I asked. He said, “Babe, I love you. I hope you had a good today! I turnt up in the kitchen huh?” I just ran over and gave him a big hug and started making a plate. At that point all the stupid things that happened that day didn’t even matter. I made a point and to tell him how good it was because his cooking is always the best. That night after I ate and showered and got everything I got out the rest of my homework and he came over to see what I was working on. In the top left corner of my page of noted from class he saw a doodle of us and realized that I really do think about him outside of just being home too. I slept great that night and went back at it the next day. 

Monday, March 23, 2015


If I woke up this morning and was invisible I would write my boyfriend a note so that he didn’t freak out when he woke up and I was gone. I couldn’t imagine being invisible. Man that would suck not only for me but for the people who like to see me and want to see me. Writing a note would probably not do it. I’d probably have to write a series of things and do a couple different things while he was there so he would believe me. Then I would call my mom and let her know what is going on. I think she probably woujld freak out but it’s not like I’m a ghost. I can still do things but it just would realy suck to try to live ilfe and no one be able to see me. It’s not like I’m going to be able to go work or shop or anything. My bf would just have to suck it up and help me. Go shopping and grocery shopping and everything. I could go with him but he has to pick everything up himself because what would people think seeing something float off of the rack. Maybe I could text him what to look at. I would either do this or I would buy clothes and those muslim scarves and wear them so that only the part where my eyes would show, then that’s where I find the biggest pair of sunglasses I can, and hit the town. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Learning something new would have to have some kind of motivation because I feel like that's all I do anyways every day. I am a college student. I would really like to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I've always loved them and my family really has a thing for Harley's, although my mom went more the sports bike route when she bought her Katana. They look like so much fun and a lot of times, get the best parking spots. I plan to learn how to ride this summer but we will see. I know there is a motorcycle safety class but  I have literally no idea even how to shift that thing. I do understand the clutch is where the brake on a bicycle is though. It's a start. Turns really make me nervous too. My boyfriend has quite a few moped and one day we went riding. The turns even freak me out on there. How sad. I'll get used to it though. Before I die I really want to be in some kind of bike group. I've witnessed quite a few that I have liked because of their atmosphere, their different bikes, and the fact that the one I'm specifically thinking of volunteers to support Pit Bulls . I think that's pretty awesome!

Monday, February 9, 2015


Fear is something that I am very familiar with, just anyone else. It seems like I’m afraid of a lot of things but I feel like they’re generally typical. I mean, it’s not like I’m running around trying to avoid purple hair or costumes. I costumes like the the Easter bunny and mascots are so silly to be afraid of. Why would you run from the Springfied Cardinal mascot? I don’t understand how it is so scary but I guess that’s just how it goes. I’m personally afraid of falling, someone cheating on me, spiders, snakes, hospital procedures, and death, and God. And for good reason... At least doesn't everyone feel that way?

Monday, February 2, 2015

I believe

I believe Pitbull’s are good dogs
I believe my body is going against me
I believe I lost all of my friends because we grew up
I believe people can be so annoying
I believe Strawberry Gatorade is the best

I believe you should never cheat on your significant other

Monday, January 26, 2015

Freewriting in English

This is a section of what I'd like to call..


English and history are not my strong suits and when there is any kind of EC opportunity, I have to take advantage. Now that I am sitting here typing without being able to seethe screen, I have to look at the keyboard or else my mind gets distracted from the girl that wont stop swiveling in her chair in front of me. But what can you do? Just try your best to do what the teacher tells you of course. But sometimes that’s not what you want to do. Like how I bought an Arizona Tea last night to bring with me this morning not even thinking that I' m not allowed to have that kind of container n here by the computers.The only real reason I want this class to be over is so that I can step out of this room and drink my Peach Tea. It is BOMBB!!!!! Last night I had the half tea half strawberry lemonade. New favorite!! Especially when your taste bus are on +1000 like mine were. Sometimes I find it hard to talk about thinks that are appropriate for class. Not because I have a bad life but because some things stick out to me more than others and it seems like more inappropriate things are what I can think of. I hope this doesn’t last long and my mind gets on the right track or it will be of no help. I’m happy to be back here in school though because I felt like I had come to a stopping point which is exactly what happened but like I’m actually getting somewhere. The only thing that could make this better is if I had a working laptop. Well, it works but I have to use a hdmi cord and hook it up to the tv in order for me to be able to see it. . I just lost my train of thought becasue I just had to adjust in my chair. How crazy is that . When I get home I’m going to take a long hot shower . well maybe not too hot because then I get too hot and its miserable in there but you now what  mean. I have some stress relief body wash from bath and body works that is aaamazing!!! It smells up the entire bathroom as any other body wash or shampoo does but it is aromathereapy infused so that its just the best thing you could after a frustrating sitation, like my tea.